Chris King for Governor


After finishing my master’s in political communication at American University, I had the opportunity to join Chris King’s team in the primary for the gubernatorial campaign in Florida. While I first came on as Content Manager, I quickly was elevated to the Digital Director role and ran all of the campaign’s content online, as well as our fundraising, digital advertising, and digital organizing programs.

Some of our proudest moments on the campaign were after the tragedy at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in February, 2018. We worked with students across the state to elevate their voices and their advocacy, which led to a historic movement in support of gun safety legislation that continues today.


Being Bold

Before Chris’s appearance at the Florida Democratic Party’s Leadership Blue Gala, we needed to lead with something strong. This yearly gathering involves all the leading members of the Florida Democratic Party, and is the basis for a great deal of word-of-mouth momentum going forward. Working with AKPD, I gathered the content and put together the storyboard for this piece, which they produced.


Fred Hubbell for Governor


Focus on Rural America